26th Biennial of Design

14. November 2019 - 9. Februar 2020


The 26th Biennial of Design, BIO 26 – Common Knowledge is curated by Austrian design curator and cultural producer Thomas Geisler together with assistant curator Aline Lara Rezende.

Under the motto Common Knowledge, this year’s Biennial of Design tackles the information crisis. BIO 26 presents six winning projects selected through the Designathon in which groups of designers and non-designers took on the challenges pressing on the institutions of knowledge production and knowledge transmission. The projects are presented at the 26th Biennial of Design, BIO 26 – Common Knowledge, which takes place between 14 November 2019 and 9 February 2020 in Ljubljana.

Working with content, structures, and stakeholders, the 26th Biennial of Design in Ljubljana hopes to find ways, unearth projects, and explore concepts and systems that can serve to turn this disruptive chaos in and of information into creative knowledge clusters. The notion of “common knowledge” relates and refers to what people know; more broadly, if refers to what people think and how they structure their ideas, feelings, and beliefs. Furthermore, the term “common knowledge” carries a sense of communal or shared knowledge.

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